Three Months in

So, three months in now.

I love it.

Like, if I could go back to the point where I was like “Hmm, should I take this job?” I would just shake myself and yell “YES, YOU IDIOT, TAKE IT!”

I mean, it’s not perfect, but nothing is, but I’m so much happier now.  I wasn’t unhappy most of the time before but now it’s like… every day we usually laugh a bunch and joke around, we throw nerf balls at each other, my boss tries to hit nerf golf balls at my head from across the room and we go out to lunch together.  I genuinely like everyone that I interact with on a regular basis.

And the workflow system is so awesome.  We commit to what we think we can handle, and how long we think it’ll take and we go into work and get our work done but don’t stress out about it.    And I mean, I feel productive BECAUSE I’m not stressed out and I’m happy.

And we hang out outside of work, too.  Last week we had Game Night where we all brought in our Xbox360s and played Call of Duty (I was terrible, it was my first time playing, but it was fun) and then we did some Rock Band.  The next night we went to Top Golf and I didn’t play but we had a lot of fun hanging out and everyone else really enjoyed playing.

Today was my birthday.  I walked in and our office manager had bought me a balloon and left candy on my desk.  Everyone in the office wished me happy birthday at least once.  My boss took me and my co-worker out to lunch and we had a great conversation about the company.  Then we had my favorite cake and everyone again wished me happy birthday.  Then, as I was leaving, our entire room again wished me happy birthday.  We did birthdays at my old office and that was nice, too, but everyone was so awesome to me all day it was just like, it made my birthday something special.

I also have a new teammate and I really like him.  He’s only been there a week and he’s really taking the time out to teach me stuff I’ve always wanted to learn.  I was a little worried when he first started that he was going to make me redundant or something but he’s a really nice guy and really smart and is like, interested in helping me out, finally giving me training that I’ve been begging for for like 10 years already.

The environment is really nice, too.  The people I need to ask questions to are very cool, and I feel like I’m doing a good job learning things and making suggestions, picking up responsibilities etc.  I’ve been entrusted with a few new things already and have some realistic goals.  I’ve never been afraid of asking a question or not knowing something.

Still the worst thing is how much it lengthened my commute but that’s such a minor thing.  The open room still has it’s advantages and disadvantages.  But I’m so much better off financially and mentally now, it’s awesome.  I really do miss a lot of the people at my old job and there’s aspects of the work I miss, but it’s worth it being where I am now.

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