Always make a backup.

I went to update the ‘ol blog today (finally) and saw there were some WordPress updates and a theme update, told it to install, then accidentally clicked on another thing and oops, the entire installation failed and I couldn’t get the blog to load.  So I deleted it and restored from backup, and yaaay, it works again!

So hey let’s catch up!

My birthday a couple of months ago was awesome.

My Co-workers went all out and decorated my desk with storm troopers and Darth Vader.  Our office manager got me a scented candle, which I looooove, and my teammates bought me a pretty powerful Magic: The Gathering card, which they have deeply regretted on a few occasions. 😀  They also took me to Snuffer’s for a huge pigout lunch.  Yum.


The next week we went and saw Star Trek: Into Darkness at the Studio Movie Grill, which was also awesome.


I bought myself a reproduction from one of my favorite living artists for my birthday.  It’s hanging in my living room and I love it.



Speaking of Magic: the Gathering, they taught me to play a few weeks before my birthday, so a few times a week we have been playing that together, and also spending way too much time at our favorite games and comics store…

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I have a Blue-White control deck, and a Green-White token deck.  I love them both.  I win a lot more with the green-white deck, though. 😀  And that last pic is Andrew, in one of the few times he’s lost badly.

So also at work, I thought you might enjoy a few pictures of a laptop one of our ex-employees sent back to us after her termination…

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That was an $850 bill to fix.  They had to replace the logic board, the case, the power adaptor…. yeeeah.


Back in June, I went into my backyard and found this:



A co-worker mentioned he and his wife were thinking about getting a cat.  So I plucked two out of the litter.

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After going to the vet, they were both declared healthy.  When I took them, they were just barely old enough to start eating solid food (my attempts at bottle feeding did not go well).  They grew up with me together for about three weeks, Fry had a lot of fun playing with them.  The Ginger boy ended up with the co-worker and I get regular updates about him.  (The entire family loves him, even my co-worker who said he was just for the kids adores him) and the calico girl, well I couldn’t find a home for her amongst people I knew, so I ended up using Craigslist and found a fantastic home for her. 🙂

Out of the remaining litter of seven total, two sadly didn’t make it, and the other three and their two mommas still hang out in my backyard sometimes.

Yesterday we had an ice cream social at work…



I’m still reeling from the sugar high.

The weather has been generally terrible, with occasional bouts of terrifying…




Annnd just because I like it so much, here’s a picture of Fry.




Besides that, the week after next is Audit Week at work.  (Ugh.  But we knew it was coming) so last week and this coming week won’t be fun.  My parents just picked up their new Foreign Exchange student and have taken him off on a tour of the US before school starts.  All of my friends who lived nearby have moved an hour away, so I’m considering moving next year.  Annnd…. yeah.  There’s the news!


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