Two Weeks In

I meant to post after my first week, but then I didn’t.

So two weeks later, I’m starting to get settled in.  I know almost everyone’s names, and there are a few things I can do on my own.  I’ve also written some documentation, which I continue to improve and tweak and yesterday I was told I would be getting the vendor relations task, which basically means handling all the ordering for IT, getting prices, and making sure what gets shipped to us is what we ordered, that kind of thing.  I’ve done it before, so it’s not a big deal.  It was nice to see my boss is already trusting me with bigger stuff, though.

I’ve also done my best to socialize with everyone.  We go out to eat for lunch together a lot and I know it’s vital to have my co-workers feel comfortable around me, especially with how there’s not very many women.  The first time we went out after my first day, the other woman in the room with me came, which was great, and since then it’s been just me and various combinations of the guys.  But it’s good, I feel like I’m starting to fit in.

Also, the other woman in the room IM’d me late last week and we talked about setting up a girl’s lunch day sometime this week or next with just the 5 women in the office. That should be cool.  I got to talk at some length with the other woman that works closely with our teams last week which was great, as well.  Oh and today we’re having a goodbye lunch for someone leaving and a hello lunch for someone who just started (so I’m not the newbie anymore, yay!)

Oh, also I posted a couple of pictures.  This is my desk and this is my view from my desk.  There are three desks to my left you can’t see and another few to the right.  I have it situated better now that you can’t see my big monitor.  I’d still rather have an office, but it’s not that bad.

Yesterday was the first day where things really sucked, and that was only about an hour when a whole bunch of people were asking me to do things and Eric wasn’t here yet, and a server needed attention that I only half knew how to do.  It all turned out okay.  Today Eric’s not here, nor the guy who used to do my job so um, it’ll be interesting.  So far it’s been fairly quiet, at least.

On the Mass Effect front, things are going well.  Hits are about where I’d expect them to be and the only problem is that there’s more work there to do than I have time for with answering emails and keeping up with news. We’re getting a steady stream of 2-5 new saves a day and almost all the major choices are covered.  It’s so much less stressful this time than when ME3 was released because of the database and not doing everything by hand, yay.

Last week Patrick from Giantbomb contacted me and I’ve been answering questions for him about the sites.  So hopefully sometime this week something about masseffectsaves/ will be up on Giantbomb!  When the first site went live two years ago I got a lot of unexpected media mentions, which was so awesome. Having Penny Arcade talk about the site was a huge, huge thrill for me especially.  I honestly nearly passed out and had to grip my desk and take huge gulps of air when I saw it.  And, Rock Paper Shotgun and Evil Avatar amongst other places was great.  Also this year so far the Rebel FM podcast mentioned the site.  But nobody’s ever come to ask me questions before so, I’m excited to see how it comes out.

And I’m just SO excited about ME3 in general.  It’s hard to contain my excitement and my co-workers might think I’m some kind of a freak a little bit now since I’m basically always wearing my N7 hoodie.  I’m going to ask my boss today if I can have next Wednesday off, I think.  I can totally understand if he says no since I’m still new here, but I’m hoping he’ll let me because I NEED a day to play ME3 so I don’t get spoiled too badly.  I ordered the CE on Amazon so it should be delivered to the office sometime that day, so I’ll go home and play til I pass out.

When ME2 was released, I was still doing all the site updates by hand, so I took 2 days off work (Wed and Thurs) to play it and COULDN’T because Penny Arcade mentioned me that day so I got a HUGE flood of new saves to put up and THE INTERNET NEEDED ME (not really, but that’s how I felt) so I spent like 70% of the 2 days working on the site and played for like 6 hours instead.  It took like almost 3 weeks for me to finish the game (though I do tend to try to do completionist runs my first time through any game) because I would get home from work, spend 2 hours on the site, then play.  Then usually another hour before bed.

You can’t even imagine how happy I was once Sporkley did the database and we had everything imported so site updates meant just reading things, making minor corrections and changing a 0 to a 1 and hitting save.

Anyway, mah BFF Impsy and I have been playing tons of multiplayer! I can’t believe how much fun we’re having with just two maps and half the race/class combos.  It’s going to be NUTS when the real thing comes out.

My big problem though is that most of my friends play on 360 and I’m a PC player.  I have a feeling I’m going to end up getting ME3 on 360 and transfer at least one of my Shepards over to 360 so I can Multiplayer it up with my friends. 😀

Back to work now!

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